Guest Services and Facilities

Wheelchair Rental Service

Wheelchairs are available for rent at four locations in IKSPIARI.
Rental Service at the 2F Information Counter

Necessary Information

Name, telephone number.

Operating Hours

Same as the Information Counter opening hours.

Usage Restrictions

Limited to use within IKSPIARI premises.


* Please refrain from taking wheelchairs outside of IKSPIARI.
* Limited availability of wheelchairs.

Coin-Locking Wheelchair Rental Service

How to Use

Insert a 100 yen coin to unlock the wheelchair, and it will be refunded upon return.

Coin-Locking Wheelchair Parking

Parking B / 1F Garden Site / 2F Traders' Passage.

Operating Hours

Same as IKSPIARI's opening hours.

Usage Restrictions

Limited to use within IKSPIARI premises.


* Do not use wheelchairs that are ill-fitting for the user's body or that prevent the user from maintaining a proper posture. (Max: 100 kg)
* Please refrain from taking wheelchairs outside of IKSPIARI.
* Limited availability of wheelchairs.

Floor Map2F



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