The restrooms in IKSPIARI are clean and comfortable. The multipurpose restroom is suitable for guests with disabilities and elderly guests.
The ladies' restrooms have makeup space, a diaper changing table, and a crib to hold your baby.
The multipurpose restroom on each floor is suitable for guests with disabilities and elderly guests.
* The restroom at the courtyard in 1F and Gracious Square in 3F have universal seats (multipurpose seats for the use of guests with particular physical needs).
* There is no diaper changing table in the following restrooms : Ladies' room at 1F Garden Site, Parking A in 1F and Parking B in B1F, multipurpose restroom at TRAIL & TRACK in 2F and Theatre front in 2F.
* Multipurpose restrooms are suitable for ostomate facilities. (Excluding the restrooms behind No.4 elevator in 3F and next to the slope at 1F Garden Site)
About the medicinal liquid hand soap in IKSPIARI
The medicinal hand soap in IKSPIARI's restrooms is a concentrated hand soap.
Floor MapB1F



